Our Mission

Feeding your baby shouldn’t be a painful experience. Let us help you put the joy back in feeding. So that you can nourish and bond with your baby.


All the signs…

If you or your baby are experiencing some if not all of the symptoms below, your little one should be evaluated for a possible lip or tongue tie.


  • Poor or slow weight gain

  • Shallow latch at breast/bottle

  • Slides or pops off and on nipple

  • Sucking blisters

  • Gassiness, hiccups or reflux

  • Clicking or smacking while nursing

  • Lip curling when nursing or bottle feeding

  • Frustration during feeding

  • Prolonged nursing sessions


  • Plugged ducts/engorgement/mastitis

  • Toe curling pain on latching

  • Nipple thrush

  • Use of nipple shield

  • Poor or incomplete breast drainage

  • Painful nursing

  • Flattened, creased or blistered nipples

  • Decrease in milk supply

The right instrument

We use a gentle but powerful tool to treat your precious baby’s tongue or lip tie.

The difference

It’s important to us that you and your baby receive the care and support you need, to ensure that you get the most benefit from a tongue and/or lip tie release. Below are some of the steps we take to enhance your journey to success.

  • Immediate Care

    If your baby is struggling to nurse or bottle feed, we will schedule you right away.

  • A Team Approach

    We have established relationships with local lactation consultants, therapists and other specialists to help you get the most support you need during this fragile time.

  • An Experience Your Deserve

    Let’s be real. This whole thing called motherhood can be a stressful deal! We go over the top to make sure you have a stress free appointment.

Dr. Ritter and his staff were very welcoming, knowledgeable, and comforting during my baby girl’s visit. As a new Mom, I was worried at first but that quickly disappeared as I was explained the process. The procedure went quickly and she was back in my arms in no time. Thank you!!

— Rachael


Infant Tongue & Lip Tie Presentation

The video above is a presentation narrated by Dr. Saleha Mahmud-Ritter. Feel free to watch if you want to learn about her and Dr. Ritter and how the process works at the Tongue Tie Center of Baltimore.


We’re here to support you.

Our team is here for you. If you have any questions or want to learn more, please don’t hesitate to contact us!